Dear First Time Mommy in the hospital bed next to mine, I hear your sobs. I feel them too. I sit here with my fourth daughter asleep in my arms, while your little girl cries uncontrollably. Just when you manage to get her to sleep, she makes a diaper, the nurse comes in to take vitals, she needs to nurse, needs to burp, or makes ANOTHER diaper. She needs mommy to comfort her. You are her mommy. Hard to believe right? You're a mommy!!! It wasn't that long ago that I was new to motherhood and terrified of all that it entails. Fact is, I am STILL terrified. Becoming a mom changes your whole perspective on life. Cliche, I know, but true enough. I have four girls. I am not an expert. I am not a child psychologist, nor do I have any kind of degree in child development. I am just like you, a mommy learning through experience. I am not perfect by any means. I make mistakes, and I learn from them. Just when I think I have this mom thing down, my girls make sure I get a reality check. I ask if you're ok. Your response is no surprise to me: "Yeah, I just don't know what I got myself into. I love her so very much." As a mommy, you never know what you are getting yourself into. Even after your second, or third, or FOURTH makes their appearance into this crazy world, you will feel like you don't know anything all. I'd like to reassure you, somehow, that it gets easier. It does... and it doesn't. Each new stage of parenthood has it's surprises, each child has their own personality quirks. Do I have advice? Uuum, YES!!! I can chat your ear off for hours on end about my amazing girls, my pregnancies, my deliveries, potty training, pre-school, picky eaters, hair tutorials on YouTube, Pinterest crafts, dollar store finds, and much more. I am a very proud mommy and love to share my experiences. But in all honesty, you don't really need to hear my stories or my opinions on how to raise your beautiful baby girl. Your motherhood is just beginning, and it is just that- YOURS. The only advice I will give to you is this: Don't let anyone take that right from you. Everyone has an opinion on how you should mother your child. Ultimately, you are the one who chooses to take the advice... or leave it. If it helps any, from what I can hear through the hospital curtain that divides our two worlds, you are already a wonderful mommy. Sincerely, The crazy mommy to 4 girls A Special thank you to my guest blogger who recently added a new addition to her beautiful family. <3
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